Lovley’s is dedicated to providing quality teaching
aids to instructors all throughout the San Diego area.
We carry a full line of all the most up-to-date piano
teaching methods for younger students including:
Alfred Piano Library and Prep Course
Alfred’s All-In-One Sacred Course
Bastien Piano Basics
Frederick Harris' Celebration Series
Francis Clark's – Music Tree
FJH's 'Piano Adventures
Hal Leonard's Piano Library
John Schaum Piano Course
Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano
Dietzer’s First Impressions Piano Method
Keith Snell Repertoire Series
In addition, we stock these great harder to find standards:
Aaron Michael Piano Course
Beanstalks Basics
Celebrate Piano
D’Auberge Piano Course
Diller Quaile Piano Method
Eckstein Piano Course
Leila Fletcher Piano Course
David Glover Method for Piano
Robert Pace Keyboard Approach
Edna Mae Burnam – Step by Step Piano Course
Lovley’s Music & Gifts carries 1000’s of
titles by both well-known and lesser known classical keyboard
composers. You’ll find everything from Albeniz to Weber
in both sheet music and collections. We know that teachers
have differing needs and preferences so we carry multiple
editions of each work.
Don’t forget about your older beginners and adults.
Here at Lovley's, you'll also find a full line of
adult methods including:
Bastien Piano for Adults
Faber Piano Adventures for Adults and Older Beginners
Glover Program for Adult Piano Students
Alfred’s Basic Adult Piano Course
Schuam Piano for Adults
Thompson’s Adult Piano Course
Ada Ricther Piano Course for the Older Student
Many of the above methods come with accompaniment CD's to
enhance your students learning and appreciation of music.
You can find these CD’s at Lovley’s and we'll
make suggestions on how to use them effectively in your studio.
Come in and browse our extensive collection of supplementary
material put out by today's top pedagogical composers including:
Dennis Alexander
Margaret Goldston
Martha Mier
Catherine Rollin
Melody Bober
Timothy Brown
William Gillock
Jon George
Kevin Olson
Eugenie Rocherelle
Robert Vandall
We understand how difficult it is to teach effectively so
we provide all the necessary materials to make you more effective
and make learning more fun for your students.
Here are some of the teaching aids you’ll find
on a regular basis at Lovley's:
Flashcards by Bastien, Hal Leonard, and Alfred
Practice Records
A-B-C Keyboard Stickers
Lesson Assignment Books by Alfred, Bastien, & Hal Leonard
Manuscript Paper
Award Certificates
Award Seals by Bastien and Hal Leonard
Fold out Keyboard with note staff placement
Bastien wipe off Scale and Chord boards
Keyboard Scale and Chord Charts
Reward items such as pencils, stickers, clips, erasers, etc.
Music Dictionaries
Teaching theory can be tough without the right tools. A sound
foundation in the "building blocks of music" is
essential for a student's continued success. What works well
for one student might not work well for everyone, so here
at Lovley’s we carry not only the theory books associated
with each instruction method but also a large line
of well known theory instructional materials including:
Faber’s Blast Off With Music Theory
Brimhall’s Complete Theory Notebook
Julie Johnson Basics of Keyboard Theory
Feldstein’s Complete Practical Theory
Just the Facts II
Theory Flashcards by Akawa, Bastien, & Hal Leonard
Four Star Sight Reading & Ear Training Tests
Notespellers by all publishers
Don’t forget technique. We carry the following
materials to help you teach technique more efficiently:
Akawa Certificate of Merit Technique
Frederick Harris' The Brown Scale Book
Hanon Exercises for the Piano
Czerny Exercises for the Piano
Robert Schultz Piano Technique Series
Associated Board Scales & Chords
Harris - Technical Requirements for Piano
Schaum Arpeggio and Scale Spellers
Bastien Scale, Chords, & Arpeggios |